Monday, September 30, 2013

Old Pirate Paint up

I guess I never posted the ink I did of that pirate below and I might as well post it super late!  It was a while ago that I posted that sketch of the pirate.  Man, I have a ton to learn but hey this is fun Right!!!!!!!   you better believe it bucky.  

Mobster Quick sketch and Paint up

So I decided to start posting again because I feel like I have learned some new things.  I haven't been doing anything special, I just have been putting in drawing time.  I wanted to post my original sketch and then a quick PS paint up.  I can't say enough about copying other people. I don't trace what they do but I just try to draw their characters and I sorta create a library in my mind of the little things they do.  Maybe it's nose shapes, body shapes, swooping lines... you name it!  two people that I have been following and stealing from are: 
I love her stuff!!!!!!!!!  The shapes and gesture she puts into her sketches are so great.  So a big shout out to her.
This guy's name is Ido.  Wow, his use of color and value is amazing.  His use of shape blows my mind as well.  

This idea came to my head when I was playing video games.   I sorta pictured an old Ren and Stimpy character.  I mostly just thought a jelly bean shape with a funny nose and then I quickly sketched it out. I decided I didn't want him to be a fat fairy/cupid/creepo.  So I made him a weird mobster.  Anyway, I don't know if anyone is ever going to read this but if it helps in any way I am glad!  Cheers dooooods.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the Crowd Goes WILD!!!!!

This goes out to all the dudes that are living with their parents, have a rat tail, and spend most of their nights in the basement playing guitar hero by themselves.  You go guitar hero man. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

here...sketchy sketchy

Here are two guys that I did.  I have been using stephen silver's pose book app to get ideas.  I really love to just doodle and get some lines down.  Still have a really long way to go to be any good but its fun learning.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ginger Bucky

I decided to start learning how to ink stuff in Illustrator.  This is a start. I need to get better. I don't know all the tips and tricks. In fact I'm sure I am doing it the hard way.  I still had fun tho.... Keep Rockin!

Here are some quick doodles that I did one day at lunch.  I don't care much for the girl but the others are fun.  Oh well, its not like I don't have a bunch of turds on here already : 0
Here is a fun Pirate guy I want to ink up!!!